Saturday, August 25, 2012

Second breakfast.

This is my second breakfast.  Made in part by Tak and Roxy. (My 8 and 6 year old daughters). The girls wanted waffles. So I had one waffle with peanut butter and raw honey (instead of syrup) and some peaches and strawberries. Also had half a cup of fat free milk.  Just enough to sip at with breakfast. I only allow non water drinks for breakfast and try to be very minimal about it.  Then for the rest of the day its water.  And lots of it!  :)
Tak and Roxy also designed my plate for the picture. 


If you are tracking your calories try to aim for 50% breakfast, 30% lunch, and 20% dinner. 
(this is if you are only eating three meals a day. If you are on an eating plan that has you eating 5 or 6 times a day, or every 2 to 3 hours, then let me know and I can give you a percentage for those meal types.  I always suggest snacks throughout the day and will have a post just on healthy snacks later.)

(This is a screen shot of my livestrong app on my phone that I track my calories with. This is right after I tracked both breakfasts. I'm at 55%.)

 And don't forget a healthy dose of exercise everyday.  
Today's exercise for me is Zumba! Can't wait.  :). 

 So There is something for you to chew on!
Have a good workout today and let me know what you did!  :) 

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