Wednesday, September 19, 2012

COCO-Nutty goodness.

I ran across something new yesterday!!  
(I love it when I do that.)

At Lifetime Fitness' Life Cafe in North Dallas they have a sweetener sitting on the counter that I had never seen before. So, since I used to work there and have some connections, I took some pictures of the bottle and got a little souffle cup of some and took it home.  This morning, I tried it on my waffles. (That is what the bottle showed to do with it, so why the heck not, right?)

The Bottle had some great information on it, Mainly that the coconut nectar is derived from the flower blossoms on the coconut tree and not from coconuts themselves, which explains why it doesn't taste like coconut. 
It also states that it has "17 amino acids, Vitamin C, broad spectrum B vitamins, and a nearly neutral pH"
Although the first line almost pissed me off enough to not want to try it at all, I did anyway. 
But, come on, really? "When both our parents suddenly became diabetic"???  Seriously?  No one becomes "suddenly diabetic" unless of course you take the route my father in law did and electrocute your pancreas.  It makes me wonder how BOTH parents "Suddenly" became diabetic, because that is just bad luck if its genetic, and would have presented itself much sooner then after they had it make me wonder if they both had bad diets and were obese.......then of course it makes me wonder if I really want to trust a product that came about in such a way, or by people that will use their parents diabetes as a selling point......ok, I digress,......Back to research.

The great thing about this product is the Ingredients. Do you see that??  ONE. Its lovely when I find products that have 5 ingredients or less, but just ONE? Awesome. 

It is not a low calorie sweetener, but that is a good thing.  Whenever a product says low calorie or no calories, and it is not water, then I worry.
EVERYTHING has calories. (except water) But the FDA has ruled that if there is .5 or less PER SERVING then you can count it as 0. So companies with change the serving until it hits .5 then make it say 0. So you have 2 servings, and BAM, you have 1 calorie. So when you are consuming 10 servings because you think that you can since it has "no calories" then you are actually consuming what is called "hidden calories" so just quit letting all the marketing lie to you and understand that NOTHING but water has 0 calories. (it is the same with everything on labels, so if it says it has Zero Trans fats per serving, then look at the ingredients, most times it still has some in it, and they are just using a loop hole to reel people in)  ok, I digress again.......back to coconut sap.

This was breakfast, I wanted to try it on waffles (since, like I said, that is what the picture showed) and that way I could taste its true flavor. Honestly, I have heard from more then one source, that by itself it is not good, but I liked it. It had a smooth nutty sort of flavor. It reminded me of a syrup similar to Molasses or Sorghum yet a little milder. It is definitely something I would just eat on waffles or pancakes.

I did not get enough to try in cookies or anything, but I have read good things about its uses in baking.

May all your food be good and good for you, 
and all your calories be worth it! ;)

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