Monday, September 17, 2012

A BIG list of vitamins and mineral food sources.

I have spent an accumulation of about 12 hours over the last week compiling this list. This is a list of the vitamins and minerals you need on a daily basis to maintain optimum health. I have included the amount needed per day and then the foods with the best source of each. Listed from highest to lowest. I do not know anyone that WANTS to take pills every day, so this is a good way to evaluate your diet and see what you are getting plenty of and where your deficiencies are.  I will be using this chart for all of my consultations with future clients to help them figure out what they are lacking and how to get it in the food and not in a pill. I hope that all of you take a look at it and see what is in what you eat. There are some surprising things on the lists as well, so enjoy!  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments and I will do my best to answer all of them. (even if I have to look up the answers)  :)

Happy Reading, and Happy Eating!!

A BIG thanks to:
For all of the information that I dug through to get this list made!  It would not have been as easy without some of the great lists you had already made!  :)
If any of you want to check out the lists of vitamins and minerals, it has the top 500 consumed foods on it, so it includes fast foods and snacks, etc. I did not include anything that was enriched or junk food on my list, but if you want to check out what you are eating from the drive thru, then you can. :)


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