Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Baby Steps to Better Steps

I did a consultation the other day and we talked about how to get from point A: The habit of unhealthy living, to Point B: The habit of a healthy life.  His main concern was that there is so much out there, that it is hard to dig through all the fads and the crap to get to the things that really matter, and then trying to figure out which ones work for him and his lifestyle and his body.   This is a conversation that I have had a bunch with many clients and friends.  The age of technology and knowledge has made a situation of there being too much for the average person to dig through. 

I love my job and helping people find a way to get healthy, and so I want to make a simple list that might help all those struggling to find healthy steps.

1. Keep it SIMPLE!
You do not need a bunch of courses, or items on your plate. You do not need spaghetti, and salad, and rolls, and, and, and.....If you have a hearty vegetable sauce, then you do not need a salad, and you definitely do not need a roll if you are eating pasta. Redundancy is not necessary and is a big downfall to trying to cut calories and get healthier. 

2. Make the changes you will miss the least first!
This one is the first I tell anyone. Cut out all the things you will not miss much. For me, I cut out all soda and just drank water. It was tough, but I just do not miss it. I allow myself coffee and milk, and that is it.  If you could miss cheese the least, then start there. You do not need to go straight for breads and pastas, etc, if that will be too hard to stick to.  Then you do step 3.

3. Limit things you do not want to give up completely
I LOVE cheese. I can more easily give up meat then cheese. (trust me, I have tried.) ;)
But I can limit my cheese. If I only allow myself cheese once a day, I tend to enjoy it thoroughly.  I let myself have coffee once a day, and even allow the occasional cookie and treat. Limitations are so much easier to stick to then abstinence, and then there is not the guilt associated with messing up. Almost every food has a purpose that your body can use, and no matter what diet you are choosing to transition to, it is not set in stone. Your body will be different then anyone else, so what works for your body may not be exactly what other people are following.  Allow your body and your lifestyle to help you make the diet that is right for you.

4. Allow yourself to be Human!!
No one is going to change over night.  No one.  And if they say they have, they are crazy. ;)
It will take many slip ups to make a new habit and lifestyle. It is not easy. But when you are feeling healthier and better, it makes it easier to stick to. 

And there you have it;
4 simple tips to trying to make your changes stick!
Remember, it takes longer to make a habit then it does to break one.  :)

If you need any more help or tips, please email me, I would love to set up a consultation and help you with your goals.  :)

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